Friday, 5 April 2013

English vs Inggeris

Peace be upon to you
#Surrounded yourself with English.

I would like to share you with something that may help you in.. (mmm)

+ interview
+ study
+ university life
+ travel
+ and whatsoever.

I'm not that fluent in English. But sharing this with you give me a blast to get out from the comfort zone I'm in. We must practise our English. Yeah~ It's a must.
Mungkin ada orang cakap.

"Tak pandai cakap omputih tak semestinya tak pandai."

(Ye lah. Ada sesiapa cakap korang tak ceghedik (cerdik) ker? )

"Tak 'skiping' pun boleh berjaya apa?"

( =.= ')

"Wat pe nak susah cakap BI? BM bahasa kebangsaan kita. Kita patut hidupkannya! Inggeris pernah menjajah kita. Kenapa kita nak sibuk2 pakai bahasa dia? " (ckp dgn smangat)

(Baiklah. Teruskan patriotisme itu. Malaysia memerlukan orang seperti anda. pfftt..)

Tak mengapa. Sesiapa yang benar-benar mahu improve in language. Continue your reading

A few tips from me to you. (ceh,cam ada gaya barney and friends tak? huhu)

i) Read. Listen. Understand. Speak.

ii) Make dictionary as your friend.

iii) Stop thinking what people going to say. (about your broken English)

Tip yang pertama itu memang perlukan penerangan yang lebar dan panjang lah kan?
Read. Bacalah segala buku yang kamu,kamu dan kamu rasa 'cam seronok je' . Dan kalau sedang membaca itu,ada beberapa perkataan tak faham. Teruskan baca. Fahamkan maksud yang nak disampaikan menulis daripada gabungan-gabungan perkataan dalam ayat itu. Sebab kita tak mahulah ganggu keseronokan dalam membaca itu untuk selak dan selak kamus kan.

Lepas habis baca satu bab, barulah cari perkataan-perkataan yang tidak faham. Tapi,pastikanlah perkataan tu ditanda dulu. Kalau tak,mahu fed up lah kan, cari balik perkataan itu. -.-
Dan katakanlah memang banyak gill.. yang tak faham, bacalah dulu buku kekanak yang English version punya.

Tapi,tiba-tiba rasa malu sebab budak 16 tahun baca buku budak 6 tahun.
Cakaplah dengan diri sendiri. "SO WHAT?"
Perlu juga~ dengar orang lain kata. Entah-entah sebenarnya tiada orang perasaan pun kita baca buku kekanak. Betul tak?

In the same time,bila membaca tu, boleh la baca kuat-kuat. Means speak the word. So,lidah dah terbiasa dengan istilah-istilah dan ayat-ayat itu. ^^

Listen. Dengarkan apa yang pelakon-pelakon belakang kaca televisyen itu cakapkan. Advisable untuk tonton mana-mana Disney movies or any Dramas that use English as their language. Mungkin,ada orang cakap takut nanti leka la pula asyik menghadap TV itu kan. Jadilah orang yang bijak. Sederhana-sederhana. Apa pun yang kita buat,sederhana itu perlu. Set your lifeschedule. Then,you shall worry nothing. (ceh,gaya macam bohong je tak risau apa-apa. Tapi,kita usaha! Allah akan tolong)

Kalau nak membebel lagi panjang boleh saja. Tapi,takut nanti boring pula mahu terus baca,
Hehe :p

Oh,btw. Enjoy this vid. May this could inspire you more.

_Accents Schmaccents_
Adibah Awg Channel

Thursday, 4 April 2013

New hobby,I guess.

Peace be upon to you
Really love it from the first time I listened to this cover
Catch My Breath (Kelly Clarkson)
(Cover by : Alex Goot , Chrissy Costanza , Against the Current)
Chrissy Costanza has a lovely,beautiful and awesome voice.
Alex Goot is smart in spreading their music.
And I really love the meaning of the song. I mean the messages of the lyrics are supposed to be heard by everyone that want to do something extraordinary.
No look back. No one can stop our steps.
Any obstacle, I'll overcome. Come on! Lets do something amazing.
Btw,enjoy this song~ ^^

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Nak ke Tak Nak?

Peace be upon to you.
Hidup tiap orang lain-lain. Takdir kita beza-beza
Cara kita bagai-bagai rupa.
Hidup aku tak banyak meminta. Ya minta?
Minta apa?
Minta untuk hidup dalam tarbiyah. Rasa bagaimana hidup bila dekat dengan Allah.
Tapi,aku banyak minta benda lain. Contoh:
Aku nak dapat emas dalam Kejohanan Silat Kebangsaan
Tapi,Dia lebih tahu yang terbaik untuk aku.
Perak peringkat negeri itu lebih baik. Mungkin aku akan lagi focus in SPM preparation.
Aku dah berazam untuk betulkan silap sendiri.
Nak dapat Johan dalam Tafsir MA dalam KAMIL peringkat negeri.
Tapi,waktu aku semangat itu lah, something came up, then I'd released my last oppurtinity.
Debat? That sounds fun. Itu macam perkara baru nak cuba lah kan.
Dan, tapi lagi aku tak dapat masuk sebab clash dengan acara lain.
Hence,kata pada diri sendiri. Itu yang Terbaik. Allah knows Best.
Dan banyak perkara yang tak dipinta,tapi itu yang di-PERLU-kan rupanya
Menjadi ketua. Menjadi pemimpin.Mentarbiyah aku.
Itu sebaik-baik tarbiyah. Aku mesti jadi lebih baik
agar orang di bawah pimpinan aku akan jadi yang Terbaik.
Aku tak akan minta lebih. Itulah yang ada dalam hati bila kita memimpin. (mungkin)
Sekarang,telah aku jauh dari sumber tarbiyah itu,
Tapi. Allah tak pernah tinggalkan hamba-Nya (cuma kita yang selalu jauhkan diri dari Dia)
Tarbiyah itu datang. Allah yang hadirkan.
SEKARANG,aku tak mahu terima Tarbiyah kerana aku tak boleh lari lagi.
Aku tak mahu terima tarbiyah sebab "oh,ikut je lah tarbiyah. Tak rugi apa pun~"
Tapi,aku terima tarbiyah sebab ini yang aku inginkan. Aku mahu tarbiyah.
No more running,no more hiding. Islam will win! ( pfftt, apa kaitannya? =.= ' )
Jangan jadi orang yang cukup sekadar MUSLIM.
Tapi,jadilah MU'MIN yang taqwanya kepada Allah, buatkan dia kuat untuk sambung rantaian tarbiyah dan dakwah Rasulullah.
Please don't say that you really love your prophet, yet you don't want to continue what he'd been doing until his last breath? pfftt.
Never tell the world that you want to save Palestine, but you're still 'goyang-goyang kaki' and go through your day like tomorrow will never end.
Mm,,pernah ke buat benda ni? (jawab sendiri ; huh,pernah-pernah >.< )
_Sebelum ditarbiyah _
Hidup tak boleh sorang-sorang,
sahabat buatkan waktu susah jadi senang.
(antara yang kita akan dapat dalam 'bulatan gembira' tu)
Arabic version
malay version
Ini ciri-ciri tarbiyah. mm,atau kita boleh cakap
Bila tarbiyah itu menjadi sebahagian besar dalam hidup kita.
Ini yang akan kita jadi.
Jadi umat Rasulullah yang terbaik seperti yang disebut dalam al-Quran
Siapa tak nak hidupnya jadi lebih baik dari sebelum ini.
Don't be the same ordinary person everyday.
Everyday is a new day.
Must be have something new that you learn and apply.
That's all for today.
May sunshine in your soul brighten your days.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Proud to be Muslim


Siapa aku?
Siapa kau?
Siapa KITA?!

Ask yourself?
We're slave. Yeah,slave~
Or we could say servant?
Ermm, Do I need to repeat?

People. I mean you! Muslim either Not-Yet Muslim who read this.
We have God, haven't you?
I have Allah. He's the only One. Yes,one and only Allah I obey.
Whatever He ask and command , I must follow. Whatever He hate and forbid, I must avoid.

But, I'm the servant that FREE. Yes,free from slavery among humans. I don't have to worry or think about what other people talk and want from me.

Before we were born, we'd made our promise. Or I can say a vow. That we believe Allah is our God and Muhammad Sallalahu 'alaihi wasalam is our last prophet.

We call this 'kalimah syahadah'

"Asyhadu Alla Ilahaillah"
"Waasyhadu Anna Muhammadur Rasullullah"

I bear witness that there is no God that should be worshipped except Allah
And I bear witness that Prophet Muhammad is the final messenger of Allah.

Does anyone remember that they have truly being a muslim before they could see the world?
Do you? Do you? I don't.

Btw,this kalimah is the key. Yes,the key to enter heaven that never been seen by anyone of us except the chosen ones like prophets.

But,what I'm trying to say is we're all muslim. At first. At our beginning of life. Because Allah is the One who create us, animals, earth, milky way and this universe. Cant u see that? Open your eyes, open your heart then you can see the Signs Of Creator.

He is the Almighty God that make Islam as the chosen religious. Perfect and eternal religion to all mankind. We're just too tall, too great, too smart, too pretty to see Islam as the most beautiful and perfect way of life.

Now,I ask you. What kind of methods you practise in your everyday life? Do they bring you any happiness and calmness?

Why don't you analyse how Islam works for people that truly believe in it?
And I'm not lying when I say Muhammad pbuh (Sallalahu 'alaihi wassalam) is at the top of the most influence persons' list in the WORLD.

33:21 Certainly you have in the Messenger of Allah an excellent exemplar for him who hopes in Allah and the Latter day, and remembers Allah much.            
(Surah Al-Ahzab : 21)

Maybe some people say, Islam and any other religions promote kindness.
Yes,to be kind among humans. Eat healthy food and so on.

But,in the beginning. Before you go through your relationship among human, there is a relationship between a servant and Allah that you must study through. You cant see Allah. But you can feel He is Near. The more you remember Him, the more close you are

Like the wind. You cant see it, but you can feel it with your skin that full of receptors.
Also, you can't see your brain or your mind, but do you have one? Of course you do, if not you can't even understand what I'm babbling about here~

You can feel Allah when you do have a heart. Not the heart that pumping bloods troughout your body
But heart that make you know what is love,hate,calm,misery and something like that.
Islam is TOTALLY NOT a religion that promote Terrorism.
And who claim that Islam that way is a real terrorist because of what?
Because you know nothing about Islam but you accuse us that way.
Or maybe there is people that afraid of EVERYONE will discover the truth.
seek the truth then you'll know which side you should stand for.
I'm a learner. So sorry for the bad language. Correct me if I was wrong.
Thank you for reading.
It means a lot for me


Monday, 1 April 2013

Kakak's RETURN

Peace be upon to you.

Cameron Highland? hmm, Dah rasa macam bukan tempat percutian sangat dah. Sebab selalu pergi.
Kakak. Hanis Nuwairah. Buat praktikal penyajian makanan kat Heritage Hotel, Tanah Rata,
Cameron Hg.

Now,at last.. after 3 months, She's back. Haha. We've got a new housemaid! (just kidding)
Luckily,I don't need to do everything alone.

balcony of heritage hotel
nih waktu 1st time dtg. ngeh2

Freestyle yob! ahaks

Erk. Apa diorang buat nih? -.-

my only brother
Yeah~ Bergambar -,-

Monument ala-ala British
 Ini pula time amik kakak. Nak bawak balik rumah. Haha
Ini poyo (s) Brgambar dgn brg2 yg dijual. Ehek.
Lawat sini before sampai Tanah Rata
Tempat tinggi~ Nampak x gunung tu?

Allo~ amoi kecik belakang sana.. Hihi,sekali interframe

Ayah n amin(g)
At entrance. Dewasa RM5 Kekanak RM3. Boleh tahan~

Nice view. One of the great sign of Creator. Beruntung utk yg masih bisa MELIHAT.

Experience comes with a price. ^_^
 Tengok2 saja. Belinya tidak pun. Haha
Inilah kami. 2 in 1, Boleh la~ Bukannya selalu jenjalan. Ada peluang. Kita ambil,
Walau,diri ini bukan yang mandu kereta, Tapi,penat mendaki tetap terasa.
Waah~ Telinga tidak dpt equalize pressure inside Eustachian tube. Pfft.
Menyebabkan kesakitan secara tiba-tiba di telinga.
Turut menyerang kepala. Apa boleh buat? Istighfar sajaa, Ini pun gara-gara banyak dosa.
Sakit sikit je. Tiba-tiba terfikir macam mana orang-orang yang tak boleh dengar tu hidup?
Please stop.
Stop whining.
You've too much already. Think about others that unfortunate, unlike you.
Be grateful :)
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